The Ministry of Commerce has shown great responsibility in this regard. I hope other ministries will be able to set a similar example. Although this is an election in a business organization, it can be considered an example in the national elections of Bangladesh. It can create widespread awareness among the candidates and voters. As every voter of this organization gave their valuable opinions at the right place, the organization got a worthy leadership. It became a very difficult task to stand up against the way the evil group was trying to mislead the state machinery by Goebbels and the media to fish in murky waters and establish truth and justice. Three things worked behind the successful conduct of this election. One. Skilled and well-educated leaders, two. Responsible behavior of the Ministry of Commerce in settling the hearings, three. Conscious behavior of voters.

Voters united and elected worthy candidates without being misled by any media statement or individual propaganda. They did not sell out to any syndicate and gave their valuable votes to a worthy leader. As a result, the organization was saved from a difficult and uncertain life of fear. Through this organization, there are investments of thousands of crores of taka in the country’s economy and employment and food security have been ensured for thousands of families. The person who built this organization is Abdul Haque. He is well known in the business community as a dedicated, humble, honest and pious person. Mainly due to his single-minded leadership, not only the business community but also the organization is making a huge contribution to the economy of Bangladesh.
Within the organization, some evil members wanted to disrupt the activities of the men’s organization. They wanted to unjustly and illegally snatch the leadership of the organization through rigging or without a vote.
To implement their conspiracy, government and private, muscle power wanted to use the media by melting the loopholes in the law, misrepresenting technology and the media and providing false information. In this case, they have successfully propagated in some media so that voters do not come to the polling stations. Abdul Haque, an eternal youth despite his age, has alone faced the multi-dimensional false propaganda and conspiracy. I am an eyewitness to some examples of his efficiency and prudent leadership.
In the end, Abdul Haq has ensured the victory of truth. He has ensured the victory of truth. He has worked with immense faith in Allah. He smiled the last smile day and night till the end. This is called the victory of truth.
His victory will be considered an encouraging and educational example for the fighters in the fight for truth. If you stand firm for the truth and act accordingly, truth will triumph. That has blossomed through the victory of Abdul Haq-Riyaz Parishad.
This election can be considered an iconic election. Saturday, December 21, 2024 is a memorable day. On this day, truth triumphed. Right triumphed. Right is an Arabic word which literally means right. The rights or rights of the voters have triumphed. In this election, the Democratic Council
Dear readers, let’s shed some light on the statement Abdul Haque made at a press conference the day before the election.
He had made a bold appeal to the confused voters to come to the polling station. Because the conspiracy mahal Goybal has been spreading the news that there will be no elections. He has misled the voters by showing copies of old orders of the ministry. It was very challenging to tell the voters this truth in such a short time. The responsibility of the mainstream media against false pr
opaganda has been questioned. In any case, in the end, Abdul Haque called on the members to come to the polling station and vote, and the next day, the voters came to the polling station on Abdul Haque’s call and made the Haque Riaz Parishad the winner. The voters united against all conspiracies and made this panel the winner.

Respected businessmen responded to Abdul Haque’s bold call and basically stood against all conspiracies. They saved the organizational goodwill and normal pace of Barvida. They saved the organization from the hands of the thieves. They brought the uncertain lives of thousands of families back to normal. The business establishments survived. This was possible through the formation of an alliance of conscious and self-defense by the respected voters. The main objective of this alliance is to prove the trust and faith that everyone has in a dedicated businessman and entrepreneur like Abdul Haque. Abdul Haque became the president for 5 consecutive times. This time too, he won with a huge vote. The only reason behind this is Abdul Haque’s mountain-like honesty, prudence, foresight and the nectar of organizational leadership. As a result, the relationship between the business and the brotherhood of ordinary businessmen became stronger.
The negative propaganda and objective news of some media outlets threatened all the arrangements for the election. In the end, the election was successful due to the steadfast and strong support of the student-teacher leadership of Abdul Haque and his followers, Nivedita Pan. The attempt to sink the ship of truth and beauty by misleading the court and the media had put the mainstream leadership in an embarrassing and painful situation, but in the end, all the conspiracies were foiled and all the members of the organization won with the huge verdict of the business entrepreneurs who trusted Abdul Haque.
May truth and beauty prevail. The Abdul Haque-Riyaz led panel has basically put the confused members on a platform on the path of truth and justice through this victory. I do not want to identify this as just an election. I do not want to magnify the victory of any individual. If we are united, we can win even by fighting against all the evil forces. Abdul Haque and his followers have created a unique and common example of that. From this election in Barvida, we have realized how important it is for the people to unite in all types of elections in the country. If the people come together, the practice of voting based on a mark, which is prevalent in the country, will be discouraged.
The integrity and motive of the person will be considered much more important to the voters than the marker. I believe that Abdul Haque – Riaz Parishad Barvida has been able to set this example before the entire nation in this election. If this can create an impact in the national elections of Bangladesh, the integrity and qualifications of the candidate’s motives will be considered paramount by the voters in the entire country. This will benefit the voters and the people and they will be able to enjoy the real benefits of the election.

Through this Bar Bidar election, each member of Bar Bidar did not vote with confidence in a panel. They understood and were able to evaluate that Abdul Haq-Riyaz panel is fighting for the truth and will remain steadfast in the truth. As a result, Abdul Haq Riyaz Parishad won by a huge margin through a very fair and beautiful election.
It can be mentioned that the founder of the organization, Abdul Haque, was always preoccupied with the welfare of all members of his organization, honesty and trust. He is still doing the same work at this old age. He has basically pushed himself far away from many important national issues while giving his time to lead this organization. Still, he is satisfied that he has made arrangements to protect the interests of a business group and maintain a moral value within the purchasing range of the people and make a car within the reach of the middle and lower middle class. Here he did not allow any syndicate to be created. Abdul Haque finds joy and happiness in providing an environment-friendly long-lasting car to the people at a reasonable and limited profit. His colleagues, his organizational members, i.e., car dealers, help him to expand the scope of this happiness. Undoubtedly, this initiative of Abdul Haque will be memorable and welcome in front of the nation.
Abdul Haque’s election, Abdul Haque won by a huge margin of votes and was elected as the president for the fifth consecutive time. I would also like to thank all the respected voters of Barvida for honoring a valuable leader with their valuable votes. Just as I feel honored to see the victory of a victorious hero. I have witnessed some signs of his extraordinary leadership qualities, patience, and foresight. I hope to God Almighty for the fair and long life of the newly elected president Abdul Haque. I hope that under his worthy leadership, the organization will be able to make a more important contribution than in the past in mobilizing the country’s economy.                                                                                             – Prof. Dr. Dipu Siddiqui
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