UNO Jewel Ahmed gave a wheel chair to disabled in Trishal

Picture of Eati Akter

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

Upazila Nirbahi Officer Jewel Ahmed gave a wheelchair to disabled Ahsan Habib in Trishal, Mymensingh. Physically disabled Ahsan Habib is happy to get a wheelchair to move after the long struggle of his life. UNO Jewel Ahmed provided him with a wheel chair after noticing his mobility and physical handicap.
On March 30, Saturday afternoon, UNO Jewel Ahmed appeared at Adarsh Bazar of Kakchar Namapara village of Rampur Union of Upazila and gave him a wheel chair at Adarsh Bazar Ahsan Habib’s drug store.
Rampur Union Parishad Chairman Apple Mahmud, Trishal Press Unity President Saiful Alam Tuhin, Joint General Secretary Rakibul Hasan Sumon and other local people were present.
Ahsan Habib said after receiving the wheel chair, UNO sir gave me a wheel chair after hearing about my suffering. I am very glad and happy to receive it. I will be shopping soon from now on.
Upazila executive officer Jewel Ahmed said, “Ahsan Habib has been given a wheelchair by the upazila administration. The house where he does business is completely dilapidated. I have asked the local chairman to repair the house so that his business can run well. I will also try to ensure that he gets a loan without interest and comes under any government financial assistance from the upazila administration as per the rules.
Rampur Union Parishad Chairman Apple Mahmud, Trishal Press Unity President Saiful Alam Tuhin, Joint General Secretary Rakibul Hasan Suman and others were present.

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