Chapainawabganj Correspondent:
Traders of the Retail Fish Traders Association have objected to the relocation of the New Market Fish Market in Chapainawabganj district town. This objection is due to the fear that more than a hundred traders will be affected. In the meantime, the leaders of the association have informed the authorities in writing along with the Chapainawabganj Municipality and the District Commissioner about the objection.
Chapainawabganj Retail Fish Traders Association President Yusuf Ali has informed in his written objection that he has been doing retail fish business in the New Market market in the district town since 1977. To the south of the fish market is a beef and mutton market, a raw vegetable market, and a grocery store. Consumers could easily shop for daily necessities including fish. But the Sampriti retail fish traders have learned that the current fish market in the New Market is being relocated to the water tank field at the Fire Service intersection in the district town. If this happens, more than a hundred retail fish traders in the New Market will be affected.
 Mukul Rahman, Vice President of Chapainawabganj Retail Fish Traders Association, said that objections have been raised to the relocation of the fish market for the convenience of the consumers of the district. If the fish market is relocated, the consumers will face great danger. He also said that a consumer could easily buy raw vegetables and groceries in the New Market. However, if the fish market is relocated, they will have to travel about 1 kilometer to buy fish. As a result, the cost of consumers will increase. The place where the fish market is being held is not a populated area. The current fish market in the New Market is in the heart of the city. If this fish market is relocated, the retail traders will be affected.
In this regard, Mamun Or Rashid, Executive Officer of Chapaibabganj Municipality, said that due to the wholesale fish market in the heart of the district city, it was difficult for the general public, including the general public, to travel to and from the office court. It has been planned to build the fish market outside this busy area. The implementation process has been completed so far. However, the work has not started yet. There are several government trees at the place where the work will start. A letter has been sent to the government to cut down the trees, and if approved, the construction work will begin. The construction cost of the fish market has been estimated at 1 crore 67 lakh taka.
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