There was no attack on any temple in Khulna hindu Buddhist Christian Welfare Front at press briefing

Picture of Eati Akter

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

The leaders of Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Welfare Front Khulna Metropolis and District said that there was not a single incident of attack on any temple in Khulna Metropolis and District. Some people of the Hindu community may have been affected in several incidents like attacks, vandalism, looting and encroachment. But all those attacks were not because of the people of Hindu community. During the rule of the Sheikh Hasina government, as the leader of the Awami League, they inflicted all the injustice, torture and oppression on others; The angry crowd carried out these attacks as a revenge. A special group is trying to overcome their crisis by bringing Hindus to the streets. The leaders said these things at a press briefing at an elite hotel in Khulna on Monday (August 12).
Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Welfare Front Khulna district convener Dr. Engineer Satyananda Dutta, Member Secretary of Front’s metropolitan branch, read the written statement at the press briefing presided over by Pradeep Debnath. Joy Vaidya and Priyanka Debnath, one of the two coordinators of the anti-discrimination student movement, answered the questions of the journalists.
At the beginning of the press briefing, he paid tribute to the anti-discrimination student movement who fought fascism and restored democracy by sacrificing their lives fearlessly. He said, as a result of the outstanding self-sacrifice of the students, the one-party autocratic rule system established by strangulating all the democratic institutions of the country has come to an end. The nation will never forget the debt of these heroic martyrs. After any revolution takes place there are various reactions. One and the same picture is seen after all the revolutions in all the countries of the world. Regular law and order forces become ineffective and inactive. A tendency to violate laws and constitutions is visible, sometimes for a short period of time or for a long period of time. Different forms of anger, revenge and revenge of the oppressed, exploited and deprived people against the ruling and exploiting classes are detected. After the fall of Sheikh Hasina, the long 16-and-a-half-year long dictator, the extremely crushed and angry masses became maddened by the addiction of revenge. As a result, numerous incidents of attacks, vandalism, arson, and looting occurred throughout the country. The crowd was extremely angry with the police for playing the role of ruler’s cronies by violating the service rules. As a result, brutal attacks on the police took place in various parts of the country. After the fall of the government, the police stations practically all over the country became empty of police. In the absence of regular law and order forces, a section of the society indulges in heinous activities like dacoity and looting. Their goal is not political differences or revenge for past injustices, but taking advantage of the situation to loot.
He also said that after the fall of Sheikh Hasina on August 5, there have been several incidents of conflict, violence, looting and encroachment in Khulna metropolis and district. Businesses were attacked and homes were looted. Political leaders, activists and social workers of all levels of Bangladesh have been guarding night and day in the area, neighborhood and neighborhood to deal with the emerging situation. Their leaders and workers are still continuing their efforts with utmost sacrifice to protect the lives and property of the people from damage. However, there have been incidents where people of all faiths have been affected. There is no difference between Muslims, Hindus and Christians. We note with deep concern that soon after the downfall of the fascist regime, a group or mahal has indulged in a planned propaganda that, ignoring all other violent incidents, there is massive communal violence against the Hindu community in the country. Attacks on temples, vandalism of idols, looting of houses, arson in business establishments etc. are reported in various media. And a group on social media is trying to make these fake reports viral.
We, on behalf of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Welfare Front Khulna Metropolis and District Branch, want to inform you in no uncertain terms that there has not been a single incident of attack on any temple in Khulna Metropolis and District. Several incidents like attacks, vandalism, looting and encroachment have affected some people of the Hindu community. But all those attacks were not because of the people of Hindu community. These attacks were carried out by the angry crowd as a revenge for the injustice, torture and oppression they had inflicted on others as leaders of the Awami League during the regime of this fascist Hasina government. We will notice that if 10 people from Muslim community are affected in an area due to vandalism, maybe one from Hindu community is affected. There is no scope for any falsification to deny this reality.
Agreeing to the demands of the protestors on the streets, the front leaders said, a group has risen up to question and criticize the victory that has come on the soil of Bengal through the fresh blood of hundreds of martyrs and the unimaginable struggle of millions of students. Those who are fueled by a foreign circle. Those who do not want to see peace, development and stability of Bangladesh. Those who want to make Bangladesh their tax state. They want to make a way to save their interests. I strongly condemn their actions. At the same time, I would like to call you to desist from this hateful activity, otherwise the people of all communities of Bangladesh will unite and mob you. We cannot allow the success we have achieved to fade away to the inaction of any nefarious reactionary force.
At that time the leaders of the front were Brajen Dhali, Susana Jolly, Tapan Kumar Ghosh, Ujjal Kumar Saha, Sujit Kumar Mondal, Ujjal Das, Engineer Manash Mondal, Ramen Roy, Amit Mallick, Satyendranath Biswas, Tapan Kumar Mondal, Devdas Biswas, Chandrajit Bairagi, Nilotpal Niloy. , Raju Kumar Das, Gaur Biswas, Krishna Biswas, Deep Narayan, Biswajit Goldar and Ratan Mallick were present.

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