Superintendent of Police Monirul Islam came to see initiative of traffic police to clear traffic jam at zero point

News Source

Md. Saddam Hossain Gani

Feni District Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter


Sadar Model Police Station and Feni District Traffic Police came to Sarzamin to take a nice and necessary step to clear the zero point of Feni city from traffic congestion and encroachment on footpaths.
Every day CNGs from Mohipal of the city come to the trunk road zero point with passengers and pick up passengers by stopping in the middle of the road. Due to which vehicles coming from behind get stuck and create traffic jam, the district traffic police has created a bay/queue line from Laz Farma to Zero Point. The CNGs from Mohipal arrive at the zero point and enter the bay/aligned line where passengers board and move forward again. Due to which the other vehicles coming from Mohipal do not have to stop anymore, they are able to cross the zero point without any hindrance. He has given instructions to clear the footpaths so that the pedestrians can move in a nice manner.

The common people of the district are appreciating this concern.
Additional Superintendent of Police Shahadat Hossain, Sadar Circle Twai Pru Marma, Model Police Station OC Ruhul Amin, District Traffic Police Inspector Anwarul Azim Anwarul Azim and others were present. Anwarul Azim said that this activity was conducted under the instructions of newly joined Superintendent of Police Mohammad Monirul Islam PPM. He also said that Superintendent of Police Feni has given strict instructions to the district traffic department to keep the district free of traffic jams, I want everyone’s cooperation.

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