Students of DU and seven colleges face off, heated situation

Picture of Eati Akter

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

Students from seven affiliated government colleges and students from Dhaka University have taken a standoff. Extreme tension prevails in the area after both sides threw bricks and stones and exchanged chases around 11:30 pm.

On Sunday night, around 11:40 pm, students from seven colleges took up positions in front of the Mukti and Ganatra Toran in front of Dhaka College. On the other hand, DU students took up positions with sticks in front of Sir A.F. Rahman Hall at the entrance of the university. At this time, both sides started throwing stones. At one stage, a chase between the two sides started.Law enforcement officers are deployed at the scene, but they have fired several rounds of tear gas and sound grenades to control the tense situation between the two sides.

Earlier, on Sunday (January 26), around 11 pm, students from seven colleges reached the Mukti and Ganatra Toran from in front of Dhaka College. At that time, students from Sir A.F. Rahman Hall took a position in front of the hall.

Students of seven colleges affiliated to the university started marching towards the residence of Dhaka University Pro-VC Professor Dr. Mamun (Education) to protest the establishment of an independent university and his misconduct. Earlier, the protesters gave the DU VC one hour to apologize to the students.

After blocking the road for more than four and a half hours, the program to surround the residence of the DU Pro-VC was announced in a formal speech at the intersection around 10:30 pm on Sunday (January 26). Abdul Rahman, a student of the political science department of Dhaka College, made the announcement.

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