Operation of Mobile Court in Barura Municipality

Picture of Eati Akter

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

In Barura of Comilla on Tuesday, October 2 Md. Moin Uddin, Assistant Commissioner Land and Executive Magistrate led the mobile court in Barura municipality of upazila.

During this time, the offenses of operating hospitals and clinics without license, expired re-agents, unsanitary labs, running labs by uncertified lab technologists, providing dental treatment by technologists other than doctors and charging more than the government fixed price for certain tests were taken into consideration. 40,000/- fine under Section 40 of Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009 and Section 13 of Medical Practice and Private Clinics and Laboratories (Regulation) Ordinance, 1982 for the said offence.

20,000/- to Medicare Diagnostic Center for non-renewal of license, for unsanitary labs and charging certain tests more than government fixed rates, 5,000/- to Medinova Diagnostic Center for unsanitary and dirty labs, providing dental treatment by non-doctor technologists and expired re – 10,000/- to Barura Dental Care for keeping agent and 5,000/- to Doctor’s Community Hospital for charging more than the government fixed price in certain tests, a total of 04 institutions were fined 40,000/-.

Thanks were given to Doctors Community Hospital for having modern labs and experienced lab technologists running the labs and renewing all the licenses. At the same time instructions are given to charge the examination fee at the price fixed by the government. Dr. Sifat Saleh and a smart team of Barura police assisted in running the mobile court.

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