International Anti-Corruption Day 2023 celebrated in Gazipur

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Daily Present Times

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Daily Present Times

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Gazipur Reporter :
International Anti-Corruption Day 2023 has been celebrated in Gazipur through various programs. The program organized jointly by Conscious Citizen Committee (SANAK) Gazipur and TIB and District Anti Corruption Committee (DUPRAC) included hoisting of national flag and playing of national anthem in front of TIB and ACC district office at 9 am, anti-corruption rally, human chain and conference room of District Commissioner. discussion meeting

Deputy Commissioner Abul Fateh Mohammad Safiqul Islam presided over a discussion meeting highlighting the significance of the day at the Bhawal conference room at the end of the human chain in front of the Gazipur District Commissioner’s office under the slogan ‘Together Against Corruption’ for the purpose of development, peace and security. Gazipur District Anti-Corruption Committee President Mahmud Hasan spoke as the chief guest. President of Conscious Citizen Committee (SANAK) Gazipur Professor Fatema Zohra among others spoke under the direction of District Sanak member Mukul Kumar Mallick. Area Coordinator Abul Fazal Mohammad Ahad presented the concept paper of TIB on the theme of the day in the discussion meeting.
At the same time, the speakers expressed their solidarity with the United Nations declared this year’s theme “Bi-decade of the United Nations Anti-Corruption Charter: Global Unity Against Corruption” by referring to the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the International Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2023. In his arrest, he also mentioned corruption as the main obstacle to ensure sustainable development, peace and security.
Officers and employees of various government departments including the police, students of educational institutions, eight Active Citizens Group (ACG) formed with the cooperation of TIB, members of Sanak and Duprak-Gazipur were present.

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