Heavy rains worry farmers, public life disaster

Picture of Eati Akter

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

Despite the tradition that Barisal and Patuakhali are the capital of paddy, due to continuous heavy rains, the harvesting of Aman rice seeds and the planting of Aman seedlings are not completed, but the marginal farmers are worried.

In the current season, the marginal gold farmers are starting the cultivation of Aman paddy trying to compensate for the damage caused by the severe heat, drought, heavy rains, cyclone Remal.

Due to continuous heavy rains, the seeds collected in Galachipa, Rangabali and Dasmina areas were drowned in water and most of the seeds rotted, Barti collected new seeds at a low price and started cultivation, but the worry is not leaving behind.

According to the news in Galachipa and Rangabali regions, due to heavy rains, agricultural crops are submerged in water. Aman rice seeds and seedlings are likely to rot if the water is not removed quickly. In addition to this, the number of natural disasters and dam breaks along the rivers is also increasing. Patuakhali Meteorological Office Acting Officer Akhtar Jahan said over the phone that 59.2 mm of rain fell from 6 am to 3 pm on Saturday, September 14. Weather will continue in next 24 hours, with possibility of moderate to heavy and heavy rain at some places with thundershowers.

Md. Arif Hossain, Executive Engineer (Pure), Patuakhali Sewerage Division, (Bapaubo), he said, due to ongoing meteorological conditions, the water level of the river has increased, Kalapara, Rangabali, Galachipa and Dasmina rivers are flowing close to the danger line, along with the embankments and dams around the river are breaking. The area is being searched.

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