For rain in Dinajpur Istikhar prayer

Picture of Eati Akter

Eati Akter

Sub- Editor

Istiska prayer for rain in Dinajpur Devout worshipers did. Thursday (25 April-2024) at 10 am, Lalbagh, Dinajpur city Jamaat in Dinajpur city football field In the event, this Istiska prayer is held. He led the prayers in Istiskar, Station Road Imam and Khatib of Hadis Jame Mosque, Maulana Md. Abu Bakr Dinajpur City Jamaat in Istiskar Namaz Amir of Islami, Md. All levels including Rezaul Islam A large number of devotees participated. In a short speech at the end of the prayer, the imam of the Istiskar prayer, Maulana Md. Abu Bakr said, people are from the path of Allah Absence of rain due to indulging in wickedness, Heavy rains, floods, droughts, lightning, earthquakes, landslides A natural disaster has occurred. This is natural Allah’s law is right to avoid disaster Follow the path shown by the Prophet (PBUH). At the end of the short speech, may God bless you In the court, asking for forgiveness for all the sins of everyone’s life, God Almighty Praying for mercy and blessings is done for rain.

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