Bhumi Seva Week is being held in Rangpur with the theme Smart Land Service, Smart Citizen. On the occasion of Land Service Week organized by Upazila Land Office from 8th to 14th June’24, a discussion meeting was held on Saturday morning on the occasion of Land Service Week under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Mobashwar Hassan. Rangpur Divisional Commissioner Zakir Hossain was present as the chief guest in the discussion meeting. Additional Divisional Commissioner (General) Abu Zafar gave a welcome speech on the occasion of Land Service Week celebration. Additional Superintendent of Police Tariqul Islam, district and metropolitan leaders were present as special guests on behalf of District Superintendent of Police.
On the occasion, the Divisional Commissioner said that land is always important in the origin and development of human civilization. All sectors including agriculture, service, industry are dependent on land. Therefore, proper and accurate land management is very important. The government is trying to remove all the corruption in the land sector and in this regard the civic services have been made easier and hassle free to a large extent. Land service has become easier through digital and online based management. He directed the people working in the land service related offices to fulfill their duties honestly.
It was informed in the meeting that one of the initiatives of the Land Ministry is the introduction of land service automation system. Land management automation software has increased the mobility and transparency in all land related activities. In this regard, e-mutation, online land development tax collection, digital record room, receipt of certificates and papers by post, digital surveying-mapping, online water lease, online hearing system, mobile-based 16122 hot line service etc. have been launched. Also, to reduce the suffering of land owners, smart land service centers with e-registration and digital land services, smart land design, smart land pedia, smart land records have been created. Currently, citizens can apply for Namjari, Certified Parcha, Mauza Map and pay land rent online without visiting the land office. An initiative has been taken to digitize about one lakh 38 thousand Mauza maps of entire Bangladesh with the aim of correcting maps and khatian along with naming.
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