Dinajpur in Maulana Akbar Hossain Qasemi’s Janaza and Burial Completed

News Source

Md. Nur Islam Noyan

Dinajpur Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter


Janaza and Burial of Khatib Alhaj Maulana Akbar Hossain Qasemi of Dinajpur Jailroad Central Jame Masjid, Former Vice-Principal of Dinajpur’s eminent Alameddin Nurjahan Kamil Madrasa has been completed.

On Saturday (14 September 2024) late Asr prayers were held at Dinajpur Institute ground. Alhaj Maulana Rezaul Karim, president of Bangladesh Khilafat Majlish Dinajpur district branch, led the funeral prayers of the deceased.

After the funeral, he was buried in Sheikh Jahangi’s graveyard.

A large number of devout Muslims including teachers, students, Imam-Muezzins of mosques, BNP, Jamaat-e-Islami, Islami Andolan Bangladesh, Bangladesh Khilafat Majlis, numerous students of the deceased, and dignitaries of the city participated in the funeral prayers of the deceased.

Alhaj Maulana Rezaul Karim, son-in-law of Bangladesh Khilafat Majlish Dinajpur district branch, said that Maulana Akbar Hossain Kasemi was under treatment at Dinajpur Zia Heart Foundation Hospital for the past one month. He passed away at approximately 9:10 am on Saturday morning.

It is to be noted that Maulana Akbar Hossain Qasemi was suffering from various diseases due to old age for a long time. He died on Saturday morning. He was 83 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, one son, 7 daughters, grandchildren and many other well-wishers. During his lifetime he performed the holy Hajj 52 times.

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News Source

Md. Nur Islam Noyan

Dinajpur Correspondent

Catagory News