Closing Ceremony of World Vision’s Kaika Project in Dinajpur

News Source

Md. Nur Islam Noyan

Dinajpur Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter


The closing ceremony of the Gender Mainstreaming in Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition-Kaika Project conducted by World Vision Bangladesh and with the financial support of Korea International Cooperation Agency ended with a colorful event at BRAC Learning Center auditorium, Dinajpur Sadar on Monday, November 20. Speaking about the project, Project Manager Jaganmoy Pajes Biswas said that the project is for mothers and children Kaharol embarked on an integrated program in 2021 in Dabar, Rasulpur, Sundarpur and Targaon Unions of Kaharol Upazila with the aim of improving nutrition. By the end of 2023, the project has been able to reach its target. At the beginning of the project, a number of target measurement indicators are defined. Among them were 2 indicators such as reducing the percentage of children under 5 years of age who are underweight for height, and increasing the feeding rate of children aged 2.6 to 23 months from 7 types of food per day to 4 types of food. Providing training on vegetable production in collaboration with the Upazila Agriculture Department, coordinating with the Health Department. 6 community clinics have installed separate safe water and sanitation facilities for men and women with separate areas for milk donation for infants. Besides, installation of deep tube wells, supply of medicines to pregnant and post-natal mothers has been ensured through this project.

Kaharol Upazila spoke as the chief guest in the closing ceremony Executive Officer Md. Aminul Islam. Dr. Abdul Qayyum, Pediatrician of Dinajpur General Hospital, Upazila PP Officer Dr. Debbrat Roy, Upazila Vice Chairman Hriday Chandra Roy, Upazila Animal Resources Officer Abu Sarfaraz Hossain, Upazila Women Affairs Officer Afsana Muktadir, Senior Manager of World SD Vision Dinajpur spoke as guests of honor. Arvind Sylvester Gomez, UP Chairman A.S.M. Monowarul Islam, Satyajit Roy, Md. Anwar Hossain Manik and Project Advisor Seong Lee Lina. The speakers said that the toilets of Kaharol upazila have undergone a radical change in health awareness due to the joint and integrated initiative of the project. Villages are now serving as models for improving maternal and child nutrition in particular. This will help in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Md. Iqbal Hossain and Namita Sarkar performed the duties of the chief.

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Md. Nur Islam Noyan

Dinajpur Correspondent

Catagory News