SM Suman Rashid, Amtali Correspondent:
As the seasons change across the country, flowers and fruits are changing. As a result, cane and cane fruits are disappearing from all over Amtali Upazila of Barguna.
The cane tree flowers in the months of Ashwin-Kartik. And the fruit ripens in the months of Chaitra, Baishakh and Jyaishtha. Although it is an unconventional fruit, it is very popular with many. It is nutritious, delicious and rich in medicinal properties. Basically, depending on the soil conditions, this fruit is very sweet. Again, depending on the location, it is also a little sour. Cane fruit is very tasty to eat with chili chutney. Ripe cane fruit is very tasty to eat.
Rattan is one of the most essential raw materials for our cottage industries. Rattan is highly valued for various purposes including making earth-cutting tools, making baskets or baskets for special purposes, making cool mats for women, prayer mats, rice mats, hand fans, hand sticks, chairs, sofas, swings, flower vases, etc. Rattan is considered a valuable, durable and smart product.
What are the uses of cane?
Rattan is known as a very necessary tree for the village farmer. Rattan is used to make various handicrafts such as chairs, tables, moras, dalas, kulas, changaris, dhushis, hand fans, chalons, tokas, golas, doles, dulas, auris, chanchs, dhamas, patis, bookshelves, sofas, swings, cots, baskets, table lamps, lampshades, etc. It is also used in house construction. It is especially widely used as a decorative partition in restaurants or offices. Apart from this, long canes are also used for tying various things. But over time, people have reduced the number of bushes and shrubs for their needs.

Local markets:
The 7 unions of Amtoli Upazila of Barguna are Gulishakhali, Haldia, Atharogachia,
The situation is similar in Arpangasia, Amtali Sadar Union, Chawra and Kukuar Unions. Cane fruits and canes have started disappearing even during purchases and sales.
In 2000, a 20-22-foot long cane used to be sold for 30 to 40 taka. But today, that cane is not available even for 200 taka.
Cane buying and selling marketing-related:
Madhav and Paran Jhalo, cane sellers from Jhalobari in Gulishakhali village of Amtali upazila, said, “A few years ago, I saw cane gardens in various places in the village, including in the courtyard of our house. But today, these gardens are no longer seen as the demand for them has decreased. Today, people have destroyed these gardens due to urbanization and urbanization.”
But nowadays, they are no longer visible. The new generation of young children are being deprived of these trees and fruits.
Zainul Abedin, a buyer of rattan tools, said that even 40 years ago, it was one of the magic wands used to make various necessary furniture, including oras or jongras, baskets, flower pots, sofas, sticks, etc. To strengthen and knot
Rattan was used to meet the need for rope or string. Today, as rattan is very scarce, its place has been taken by plastic rope or string. Just as a necessary species of creeping tree is being lost from nature, the balance of nature is also being lost.
Amtali Upazila Senior Agriculture Officer Md. Isha said, “Cane was once one of the most important items used in rural life. In urban life too, cane products are a symbol of nobility. But now people have reduced the number of bushes and shrubs for their needs. As a result, it is sad but true that cane and cane fruits are disappearing. Cane products are disappearing, a symbol of nobility.”
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