Sports Desk: From the beginning, the owner of Durbar Rajshahi, Shafiqur Rahman, was making various excuses to pay the cricketers’ dues. Foreign cricketers were not able to return home even after receiving the money. In such a chaotic situation, sports advisor Asif Mahmud Sajeeb Bhuiyan said that legal action will be taken against the franchises if the cricketers’ fees are not paid on time and on schedule.
The issue of non-payment of fees was widely discussed and criticized in the country’s media. The Sports Ministry feels that this is tarnishing the image of the country. In order to handle such a chaotic situation and make everyone concerned pay their dues, the controversial owner of Rajshahi, Shafiqur Rahman, was brought into the custody of the law enforcement agencies in the early hours of February 3 and questioned.
The Ministry of Youth and Sports announced this news in a press release to the media today, Monday.
The press release said that Shafiqur Rahman was taken into custody by law enforcement agencies in the early hours of February 3 and questioned. When asked about a solution to resolve the crisis, he admitted his guilt. He then assured that he would pay all the team’s dues in three installments, on February 3, 7 and 10, at a rate of 25 percent.
Shafiq also assured that everyone involved in the team, apart from the players, would receive the money in each installment. Otherwise, he gave a bond stating that any legal action could be taken against him.
The Sports Ministry further said that a fact-finding committee is working to thoroughly investigate various irregularities in the BPL. The Ministry of Youth and Sports is determined to take appropriate action against those responsible for tarnishing the country’s image.
Jagonews has learned from reliable sources that Rajshahi media manager and former cricketer Meherab Hossain Opio was with the law enforcement agencies when Shafiqur Rahman was taken into custody.
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