Allegations of irregularities have been made against Harilal Chandra Debnath, Principal of Brahmanbaria Municipal College.
The college lecturers filed this complaint with the Brahmanbaria District Commissioner in July 2024.
It is written in the complaint that an examination was held on 27/08/2016 for the vacancy of Principal in Brahmanabaria Municipal College. Generally, the principal appointment exam for the vacant post is kept confidential by creating questions in combination with the external examiner and the representative of the national university according to the rules. Publication of results in Dhaka after four days for illegal money transactions etc. The lecturers claim that the result of the recruitment test was announced 4 days after the exam, which is completely illegal. They claimed that the principal Harilal Chandra Debnath was appointed illegally by the examiners without giving any opportunity to evaluate the recruitment examination as per rules. Their claim is that the investigating officer of Maushi went to Comilla without giving any decision after accepting huge amounts of illegal money without conducting an impartial investigation. Several local newspapers published news about the illegal appointment of the principal of the then Brahmanbaraya Municipal College.
The Hon’ble Court said that the UNO of the Sadar police station should investigate the appointment of the principal, but through the political influence of the district Awami League, instead of the UNO, the matter was covered up by the local upazila chairman.
The complaint also mentions that the present principal of the college, Harilal Chandra Debnath, has gone on a rampage of corruption and misappropriation of government funds since joining. In exchange for money in the college, the principal is wasting government money by appointing numerous teachers in the college without recruitment notice and registration and paying them salary every month. According to government rules, a principal can take a maximum of 10,000 (ten) thousand taka in each public examination, but the principal of the municipal college, Harilal Chandra Debnath, withdrew 29,000 (thirty nine) thousand taka as an honorarium, to keep 10% of the money from the public examination for the development fund examination set by the government. However, the college lecturers pointed out that the current principal of the college is embezzling the development fund money through his pocket committee without depositing it in the college.
Recruitment trade against the principal, women scandal, 5 complaints against him in the institution, ex-president of the college MAH Mahbub Alam and the managing committee in the name of the principal’s own pocket committee and embezzling money from the fund by showing the expenditure of 25 lakh rupees in the name of renovation of the old building. There are complaints. A 2-storied building was constructed with the college’s own funding at a cost of around one and a half crore rupees, which has not yet been handed over, many lecturers, who did not wish to disclose their names, blamed the principal for the reason.
In this regard, Brahmanbaria Municipal College Principal Harilal Chandra Debnath said, “If there is any complaint against me, I have no objection to investigate it.” If my appointment is invalid, please also verify it. After my appointment there was no placement in the college.
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