191 crore 84 lakh 91 thousand 64 taka budget announcement in Patuakhali municipality

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Patuakhali municipality has announced a possible budget of 191 crores 84 lakhs 91 thousand 64 taka in the fiscal year 2023-2024. Mayor Mohiuddin Ahmed Sambhavya announced the budget in the presence of municipal citizens at the district art academy auditorium on Saturday afternoon. The budget shows an income of 49 crore 45 lakh 36 thousand 500 taka in the revenue sector and 142 crore 39 lakh 54 thousand 554 taka in the development sector. The expenditure in the revenue sector is estimated at 41 crore 98 lakh 49 thousand 9099 taka and the expenditure in the development sector is estimated at 102 crore 15 lakh 25 thousand taka. 47 crores 71 lakhs 16 thousand 65 taka this budget is prepared for the total status of this financial year. In terms of revenue, priority is given to infrastructure, education, healthcare, relief and grants, sports, plantation and information technology sectors. Apart from this, in the development sector, development assistance is granted, critical infrastructure development-2, infrastructure development project including master plan updating, urban infrastructure development project, quality improvement project for marginalized communities, coastal city climate resilient project, rural infrastructure maintenance and climate trust fund are given importance. After the budget announcement, a citizen exchange meeting was held. Under the chairmanship of the city mayor, former member of parliament, brave freedom fighter Sardar Abdur Rashid, principal of the government women’s college Professor Modachher Billah, district Jubo League president Adv. Sahidul Islam, District Women’s Awami League General Secretary Add. Zakia Sultana Baby, District Child Rights Protection Committee President Sh.M. Delwar Hussain Dilip. Among others, municipal council, officials and citizens were present. The speakers praised the mayor for the development in Patuakhali municipality and discussed the future and current issues that need to be worked on.

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