The court has sent four people to jail, including Alkas Molla, rebel chairman of Awami League of Chandra Dwip Union, MP’s nephew, in the case of murdering Upazila Awami League General Secretary Abdul Motaleb Hawladar by order of MP Asam Feroze in the presence of Bauphal of Patuakhali. Others are Shafi’s father Asmat Ali, Mohan’s father Akkel Ali Bhuiya, Limon’s father Latif Surveyor.
On Wednesday (May 17) at noon, learned Judge Mohammad Jamal Hossain of Patuakhali Chief Judicial Magistrate Court ordered the accused to be sent to jail.
On March 17, the birthday of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the celebration of National Children’s Day, ASM Feroze MP created a clash by giving orders to the leaders and workers through provocative speeches. Fifty people were injured. Police fired 20 live rounds to bring the situation under control. At that time, Upazila Parishad Chairman and Upazila Awami League General Secretary Abdul Motaleb Howladar was beaten and seriously injured. In no time, MP AS Feroze’s inciting order statement and videos and photos of the stabbings went viral on social media and caused outrage.
After 14 days of the incident, Didarul Islam, general secretary of Baga Union Jubo League, became a plaintiff and named SM Faisal Ahmed alias Monir Hossain Mollah, the general secretary of Upazila Jubo League and chairman of Kalaia Union Parishad, as the number one accused. Filed a case.
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