Suman Shikha Shuddha Bangla Riddha Bangla Corner has been inaugurated at Prajanm Palli Pathagare and Cultural Museum of Art, Literature and Cultural Academy in Barura, Comilla. Sumon Shikha Shuddha Bangla Riddha Bangla Corner was inaugurated by the former Executive Officer of Barura Upazila and Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Mazharul Islam on Friday, May 5 at 5 pm. Former BCIC GM Farukul Islam, Barura Upazila Press Club President Senior Lecturer Mohammad Masud Majumdar, General Secretary Md Ikramul Haque, Barura Press Club General Secretary Md Ilyach Ahmed, Prajanm Palli Pathagar President Tuhin Ahmed Parjanm, Barura Upazila Former RDO Md Saiful Islam, Prominent jeweler of Barura market Tarikat Federation Comilla District Branch General Secretary Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Assistant Agriculture Officer Md. Ali, Barura High School and College Principal Engineer Md. Monir Hossain, Poet Sohel Rana of Dennagar, Journalist Sujan Majumdar and Aminul Islam, Cover artist Alvi, Recitation Artist Moniruzzaman Sohel, poet and writer Khajinakhazi, artist Daulat Sarkar, Lovely Sarkar, Alamin, Shubo, Minhaj, actor Audud Islam etc.
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