1 person warranted in separate operation of Rajnagar police station 8 people including accused and 7 gamblers have been arrested. Today is March 21 night At 1.30 pm Rajnagar police station officer-in-charge Vinay Bhushan Roy’s general direction Under the guidance of Rajnagar police station SI Suman Chandra Hazra, ASI Suman Mia, ASI Santu Chandra Dev, ASI Chittaranjan Biswas, ASI Sohrab Hossain Sangeet Aminabad Tea Garden under Rajnagar Police Station No. 2 Uttarbhag UP Gambling was carried out by raiding the rubber garden area of Sakinsth Line No. 5 Delwar Hossain (34), son of Ataur Rahman of Mutukpur village. Shamim Ahmed (25), son of Hafiz Miah of Chanbhag village, Indreshwar TG Gapesh Pal (48), son of deceased Subal Pal of (Indeshwar tea garden) area, Radhashyam Ravidas (25), son of Ram Janam Ravidas of Chanbhag tea garden area, Manoranjan Bauri son of Jiten Bauri (28), daughter-in-law of Abdul Ali of Baradal village. Suman Miah (22), son of Matlib Miah of Karimpur village, Loych Ahmed (32) arrested. At this time, 1 gambler ran away. the arrested 50 gambling cards and 1830 cash were seized from custody. A regular case was filed against them at Rajnagar police station and handed over to the learned court done On the other hand, accused in the warrant of NonGR-726/20(SMP). Sanjit son of Champalal of Islampur village of Rajnagar police station was arrested was referred to the learned Court.
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