Online Gambling : A Perilous Game

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Md. Al Amin:

Online gambling is not only a financial trap of endangering mankind but also an unlawful and perilous game in Bangladesh. It is being led by a vicious circle. It has already spread everywhere. It’s also seen in the tea stalls, hotels, open fields, and recreational places including bus-stands, CNG-stands, and micro-stands in the afternoon or at noon or night. There are some local agents of the vicious circle in Bangladesh who help gamblers to facilitate online gambling. Online gambling is also an instance of misusing modern technologies. Any gambling is an obstacle to peace because it is perilous and destructive. It’s learnt from different media reports that gamblers start playing online gambling from dawn to dusk by installing necessary apps in their mobile phones and using Debit and Credit Cards. Any technology will be dangerous if it is misused. The ultimate result of online-offline gamblings is actually
deplorable and unexpected. If we look at a significant online report of The Daily Star on 9 April 2020, it will be easier for us to understand the miserable life of Gambler Raquib Uddin Bhuiyan alias Liton. Raquib’s family was happy enough because he used to work as a junior assistant manager in BTCL’s Uttara office. The disorder of his family started as soon as he was addicted to online gambling. As a result, he took the loans of 1.15 crores from different people at high interest. Due to the continuous pressures of repaying the loans and mistrust of family members, he decided to kill his wife and two children. Then, he was capable of killing them. Finally, he confessed everything to the DB police after he had been arrested. Thus, he lost happiness after being addicted to online gambling. The deplorable result of the family of Gambler Raquib can be a lesson for other gamblers. If the remaining gamblers come to the right path leaving the destructive path like online gambling, they will enjoy dignity and happiness in their lives. It is also true that Bangladesh is an important country of vast possibility in South Asia.

For this reason, subtle conspiracy against the development of this country is going on. Online gambling is an emblem of international conspiracy because this type of gambling is both an illegal way of laundering money and an economic trap of misguiding mankind globally. It’s a matter of deep concern that most of the mobile apps are operated from Russia, Malaysia, and Indonesia according to different media reports. As a result, much money is smuggled from Bangladesh every year because of online gambling according to media reports. It’s also alarming that the people of different ages are also addicted to online gambling being charmed at the attractive madvertisements of online gambling on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter (X), WhatsApp, Instagram, and so on. It’s a matter of sorrow that the vicious circle uses some popular persons of Bangladesh with a huge amount of money to inspire the people of different classes to involve in online gambling.

Celebrities are the favourites of the people of different ages. They should not misguide the innocent people or devotees to gain much money illegally. To emphasize money in lieu of public interest is undoubtedly an instance of narrowness. As a Bangladeshi columnist, I urge the relevant authorities to ensure the exemplary punishment of the gamblers and the real associates of gambling without delay. To promote or support unlawful activities is really a criminal offence in our country. Strict steps must be ensured against this type of support. Otherwise, we have to suffer much in near future. The vicious circle endangers the innocent and simple people by offering online gambling in the name of a profitable and attractive game. Thus, the greed for much money inspires the people to be addicted to online gambling. This illegal gambling is largely responsible for spoiling public security, order, and peace gradually because online gamblers also involve themselves in unethical and unlawful activities like extortion, theft, killing, robbery, and so on to manage or collect desired money after being defeated in the games. Thus, the numbers of criminals and criminal offences are increasing in Bangladesh day by day though the law enforcement agencies are playing a vital role in arresting criminals. It’s alarming that 50 (fifty) lakh people in Bangladesh are addicted to online gambling according to a significant report of Bangladesh Post on 30 June 2024. Besides, it is a matter of comfort that 2,600 online gambling sites have already been blocked in conformity with the report. It’s time to prevent this dangerous game permanently. Many students are also becoming indifferent to their studies because of online gambling. If we go through the published reports of mass media about the horrible and miserable results of online-offline gamblings, we shall be capable of understanding the real pictures of our country easily. One of the main aims of a vicious circle is to create anarchy differently. The persons who are addicted to gambling are devoid of morality and conscience. As a result, they lead their lives dishonestly and desperately. The people of different ages including students and unemployed youths are becoming more addicted to online gambling to earn much money illegally and easily. Thus, they follow the unlawful path and commit crimes in the human society.

Consequently, theft, snatching, robbery, killing, extortion, and so on are increasing day by day. No crime is
expected. We should always remember that a problem will be more complicated if we neglect it. Online gambling is not only a social menace but also a great obstacle to public security, order, and peace. It is undoubtedly one of the most complicated problems in Bangladesh because it causes many criminal offences step by step by misleading human beings. It’s really true that any constructive writing will contribute to the development of a country if it is taken into consideration by the concerned authorities. Columnists, journalists, and writers also work for the welfare of mankind in many ways. Writing is one of the most effective ways of defeating ominous forces around the world. We also find various kinds of information regarding our respective societies in the newspapers or mass media everyday. We can also see the whole world through mass media and social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter (X), Instagram, and so on. To inspire any kind of constructive writing is an example of democratic
mentality. As a Bangladeshi columnist, I think that any constructive writing is essential for the overall development of a country. No gambling is wanted. It is high time we took more effective steps against online- offline gamblings. Besides, we have to create public awareness against all kinds of gamblings and their tragic results everywhere. Moreover, we have to stop misusing modern technologies soon. Misusing modern technologies causes chaos in the human society. So, let’s work together to make our country safe, peaceful, and happy.

Writer’s Identity : Md. Al Amin is a popular Bangladeshi columnist having a master’s
degree in English Language and Literature from Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

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