Greetings to convener of Laksam Daulatganj Banik Samity

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On Thursday afternoon in Laksam, Comilla, BNP’s Central Industrial Affairs Secretary Md. Abul Kalam gave floral greetings to Daulatganj Bank Association convener Md. Mazir Ahmed on behalf of businessmen and leaders of various organizations.

Laksam Upazila BNP convener Abdur Rahman Badal, municipal BNP convener Abul Hossain Manu, member secretary Abul Hossain Milon, upazila BNP joint convener Md Shah Alam, municipal youth party member secretary Afzal Khan, Md Nizam Uddin, Abdur Rashid, Mostafa Kamal, Milton. Others were also present, the joint convener of the newcomer committee, Ibrahim Khalil, AlhajĀ¦ Nur Hossain, chairman, businessmen and dignitaries of Laxam were also present.

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