Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed concern about the torture of mothers and sisters in the country. Addressing the nation at Red Fort on the morning of Independence Day on Thursday, Modi said that women are leading in various fields of the country. But there are also some concerns. Today I want to talk about my pain from Red Fort.
He said, we should think seriously about violence against women. The whole country is protesting against them. I understand the frustration. This country, society and state government should look into this matter seriously.
Without mentioning any specific incident, it is believed that the Prime Minister wanted to point to the incident of rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata and the civil society’s protest against it. Modi also said in his speech that those who commit crimes against women should be punished swiftly and severely. It will restore confidence in the society.
Meanwhile, the whole of India, including West Bengal, has become agitated over the rape and murder of Moumita Debnath, a trainee doctor of RG Kar Medical College. Protests took place in various parts of West Bengal throughout the night on Wednesday. No one has seen such night-long protests in the whole of West Bengal including Kolkata.
Moumita Debnath was murdered after being brutally tortured and raped. This incident has raised questions about the safety of women in West Bengal including Kolkata.
Women occupied all the highways of the state on Wednesday night. At that time they were carrying candles, torches and placards. Men have also been seen hooking up with thousands of women.
As the night progressed, the crowd of protestors increased. Not the banner of any political party, the entire West Bengal is shouting slogans in protest. They have only one slogan ‘We want justice’. There is only one demand across the state for punishment, severe punishment.
At midnight, Kolkata city girls marched across the state in the ‘Raat Abhab’ program. In the midst of that, suddenly the Tulkalam incident happened at RG Kar Medical College Hospital. A group of people broke the gate of the emergency department of the hospital and entered inside and committed vandalism. A group of 30 to 40 people is said to have carried out the vandalism.
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