National Fisheries Week-2024 (July 30-August 5) has been inaugurated at Trishal, Mymensingh with the theme “Bharbo Mache Moder Desh, Garbo Smart Bangladesh”. Chairman of Trishal Upazila Parishad Mohammad Anwar Sadat was present as the chief guest in the discussion meeting under the chairmanship of Upazila Executive Officer Jewel Ahmed. Assistant Commissioner (Land) Mahbubur Rahman, Trishal Municipality Mayor Alhaj Md Aminul Islam Amin Sarkar, Trishal Upazila Parishad Vice Chairman Md Ibrahim Khalil (Nayan), Shirin Islam China were present as special guests. Under the supervision of Trishal Upazila Senior Fisheries Officer Tofail Ahmed under the management of Upazila Administration and Senior Upazila Fisheries Department, Trishal, Mymensingh Rashedul Islam of Trishal Upazila Parishad on Wednesday, July 31 at noon in order to realize the dream of the father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, “Fish will be the second major foreign exchange earning resource”. The discussion meeting was held in the conference hall room. Before the discussion meeting, a colorful rally was held with the spontaneous participation of government officials, public representatives, fishermen and farmers. Later, fish fry of different species were released in the pond.
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