The budget of 64 crore 48 lakh 84 thousand 426 rupees was announced in the financial year 2024-25 of Rajbari’s Goland Municipality. On Thursday, June 27 at 10 a.m. in the municipal meeting room, the budget was announced by the mayor of Goland Municipality. Nazrul Islam Mandal, in announcing the budget of 64 crore 48 lakh 84 thousand 426 taka in the financial year 2024-25, the potential income in the revenue sector has been estimated at 4 crore 60 lakh 70 thousand 137 taka, expenditure has been estimated at 4 crore 35 lakh 77 thousand 500 taka, surplus 24 92 thousand 637 lakh taka, potential income in development sector is estimated at 59 crore 31 lakh 15 thousand 288 taka, expenditure is estimated at 58 crore 60 lakh 08 thousand taka, surplus is 71 lakh 07 thousand 288 taka and capital income is estimated at 56 lakh 99 thousand 001 taka, the expenditure is estimated at 25 lakh 50 thousand 00 taka, there is a surplus of 31 lakh 49 thousand 001 taka. Mayor of Goland Municipality. Goland Upazila Executive Officer Mr. Jyoti Bikas Chandra, Goland Police Station Officer Mr. Pranobandhu Biswas, Goland Government Kamrul Islam College Retired Principal K Muhit Hira, Uzanchar Union Parishad Chairman Md Golzar Hossain were present on the occasion under the chairmanship of Nazrul Islam Mandal and Municipal Panel Mayor Md Fazlul Haque. Mridha, General Secretary of Goland Municipal Awami Jubo League Sujjal Hossain, Goland Upazila Women Vice Chairman, Afroza Rabbani, President of Goland Bazar Business Council, Siddikur Rahman Municipal Councilor Brind and other local dignitaries of the municipality were present.
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