Tetulia of Panchagarh in a 3-day income-enhancing cow husbandry training (June 24-June 26) was held for the beneficiaries of the rural livelihood project under BRDB under the Rural Development Cooperative Department of the Ministry of Local Government and Cooperatives in Tetulia, Panchagarh. DPD Gopal Chandra, Assistant Director Administration Babul Hossain participated in online training from Dhaka office. Training was provided by BRDB Panchagarh Deputy Director Golam Rabbani Akand, Livestock Officer Dr. Yunus Ali, Tetulia Model Police Station Officer-in-Charge Sujoy Kumar Roy, Upazila Rural Development Officer Arman Wahid Ansari. Tetulia Upazila Parishad Chairman Nizam Uddin Khan, Upazila Executive Officer Fazle Rabbi, Vice Chairman Touhid Hasan Tuhin were present at the time. Various officers and employees of BRDB Rural Development were also present.
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