Jhalakathi NS Kamil Madrasa tops in Dakhil exam results

News Source

Gazi Md. Geyas Uddin

Jhalkathi Dist.Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter


The traditional Jhalkathi NS Kamil Madrasa (Nesharabad Madrasa) of Jhalkathi has continued the success of the past years. This time also the institution is at the top in the result of submission examination.

Earlier, the madrasa was also the best in the country in the Alim exam.

According to the results obtained from the education board, 400 students participated in this year’s Dakhil examination. Out of which 244 got GPA-5, three failed due to illness but the rest passed successfully. Jhalakathi NS Kamil Madrasa has topped the Madrasa Board this year too in terms of pass rate and A plus attainment rate.

Hazrat Quaid Saheb Huzur, the greatest philosopher of the age, the promoter of the principle of unity with disagreement. He established the madrasa in 1956. This Madrasah, which is home to about 55000 students, has been considered as one of the best educational institutions in the country, having achieved the top position in the results of Dakhil, Alim and Fazil, Kamil (Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh and Adab) along with Honors-Masters.

Acting Principal Gazi Muhammad Shahidul Islam thanked God for this success of the institution.

While describing the reasons for success, he said, besides following the path followed by Awliyae Keram in Sunnah, the strong patronage of Amirul Muslihin, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Khalilur Rahman Nesharabadi Huzur, the symbol of Muslim unity, successful implementation of educational support programs including party politics-free classrooms, parent conferences, all-time for residential students. Due to residential classes and timely arrangements by monitoring and tutors, the institution has always been achieving brilliant results in central examinations. He wished for the sincere cooperation of all including teachers, parents for good results and further improvement of the institution.

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Gazi Md. Geyas Uddin

Jhalkathi Dist.Correspondent

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