Md. Habibur Rahman, Kushtia district representative. Kushtia Sadar Hospital is overcrowded with patients four times its capacity. Here, against 250 beds, about seven hundred patients are receiving medical care from admission every day. Hospital wards and balconies are filled with patients. Doctors, nurses and other employees are not able to move normally within the hospital. The hospital authorities are constantly struggling to serve seven hundred patients with the capacity and manpower to serve 250 patients. As a result, proper service activities of the hospital are being disrupted. Meanwhile, due to the increase in cold-cough patients and newly detected corona patients, the locals are panicking. They demanded that Kushtia Medical College and Hospital should start service activities completely.
On the surface, it can be seen that every bed in the different wards of Kushtia Sadar Hospital is filled with patients. Patients are lying on small mats and foam spread on the hospital’s balcony. The relatives of the patient are sitting next to him. Many are sitting and eating in an unhealthy environment. Moreover, patients have to compulsorily eat and drink in this environment. Stretchers carrying patients are not able to move normally. Patients and relatives are getting injured while walking. Due to the backlog of patients, doctors and nurses are unable to perform their duties with full attention. In addition to the admitted patients, about 150 to 2000 patients are receiving medical care in the outpatient department of the hospital every day. Overall Sadar Hospital authorities are struggling to provide full medical services.
The supervisor of the hospital, Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, told the correspondent that due to the presence of additional patients and their relatives in the hospital, it is not possible to maintain a healthy environment. Due to eating and living in unhygienic environment, one has to come for treatment of one disease and return home with another disease. Moreover, healthy people are returning home sick due to staying in the hospital for a few days with the patient. Two days later, he is also returning to the hospital for medical treatment. Due to which the number of patients in the hospital is not decreasing. Rather, it is gradually increasing. Recently, due to the increase in the number of cold-cough patients and the detection of new corona patients, the fear has increased among the doctors, nurses and locals of the hospital. If the number of corona infected patients increases in the coming days, it will be difficult to provide medical care to all the patients in this hospital.
He also said that 40 doctors and 216 nurses are in charge of medical services in the 250-bed general hospital. Among them, 140 to 180 nurses are tirelessly providing medical care to 750 patients 24 hours a day in three shifts. This manpower is enough to treat 250 patients properly. But treating three times more patients than capacity, they themselves are stretched thin. Moreover, the stress of doctors is increasing by treating additional patients who are admitted and out-patient. They are also losing attention while giving treatment. In such a situation, it will be helpful for all if full treatment program is started in Kushtia Medical College Hospital. Many times complaints about hospital services are received through the media, today you tell me what to do. Still, I will try to fulfill my responsibility properly with everyone’s cooperation, Inshallah.
Admitted patients and their relatives said that there are many patients in the hospital. Lack of proper standing or sitting position. Since then proper medical care is not available. Hospital environment is also becoming dirty due to overcrowding. Doctors and nurses are often tired while performing their duties, so they sometimes grumble. Therefore, Kushtia Medical College urgently demands to start full medical service program in the hospital. Resident Medical Officer (RMO) of the 250-bed Kushtia General Hospital, Dr. Tapas Kumar Sarkar, said that due to the pressure of excess patients in the hospital, both the providers and receivers of medical services are suffering. The only way to get rid of this suffering can be to start full medical service program in Kushtia Medical College Hospital. However, I think the nurses are more patient than the doctors in this hospital.
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