The train will leave Rajbari railway station with 2254 Oars passengers for Medinipur, West Bengal, India at 10:10 PM on Wednesday, February 14, to join the 123rd ORS at the Medinipur Jora Mosque in West Bengal, India.
Abdul Aziz, general secretary of Rajbari Anjuman-e-Qaderia, said that the 123rd annual Holy Ors Sharif will be celebrated in Medinipur Jora Mosque on Saturday, February 17, in West Bengal, India. On the occasion of Ors, Anjuman-e-Kaderiya, with a total of 2,254 Ors passengers including 1,316 men, 856 women and 82 children from Bangladesh, will depart from Rajbari Railway Station for Medinipur, India at 10:00 PM on February 14 under the command of Mahbub-ul-Alam Dulal. . At the end of Ors, the train will return to Rajbari on February 19.
Since 1902, the government of Bangladesh and India have been jointly operating this Oars special train. However, due to Corona, Ors special train was closed in 2021 and 2022. On the same day, Ors Khankaye Kaderia Bara Masjid will also be held in Rajbari, Railway Station Master of Rajbari, Tanmoy Kumar Dutta said, like every year, a special train of 24 coaches has been allocated under the management of Railway Department of Bangladesh and Government of India. Rajbari Railway Station special security arrangements have been made on the occasion of the journey of Ors Special Train.
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