A drug dealer named Sagar Shikder (35) has been arrested in Bauphal of Patuakhali. He was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and fined Rs 500 by the mobile court.
He was arrested from Bara Dalima area of ​​Kalaia Union of the upazila at around 8 pm on Friday (February 2). The arrested Sagar is the accused in multiple drug cases. Upazila Executive Officer and Executive Magistrate. Bashir Gazi gave this sentence.
Drug dealer Sagar Bara is the son of deceased Delwar Shikdar of Dalima village. 7 drug cases of Baufal police station are pending against him in the court. The police arrested him while taking drugs at night. When the matter was reported to the Upazila Nirbahi officer, he went to the place of the incident and conducted a mobile court and sentenced the accused to 6 months’ imprisonment without labor and fined 500 taka.
In this regard, Shonit Kumar Gayen, OC of Bauphal police station, said that Sagar Shikdar is a regular drug dealer. Several drug cases are pending against him. He also said that the police’s regular drug operation is continuing.
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