A fine of Tk 10,000 has been collected for the crime of serving ponga in food at the London restaurant in Srimangal city. In view of the written complaint of the victim, today 13 December at the district office, National Directorate of Consumer Rights Protection, Moulvibazar District Office Assistant Director Md. Shafiqul Islam after the hearing in the presence of both sides collected the fine and it. Ashish Dutta, the manager of the London restaurant, assured that more precautions will be taken regarding the food. and gave a written undertaking admitting the crime of serving ants in food. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Assistant Director of National Consumer Rights Protection Directorate, Moulvibazar District Office, handed over 25% of the penalty according to the law to the complainant, journalist Md. Imran Hossain. It should be noted that on November 21, journalist Md Imran Hossain came to the hotel to eat with his family members. At this time ponka is served between meals. When the matter was brought to the attention of the hotel manager, he did not take any action. Later, he made a written complaint to the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection, Moulvibazar District Office.
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