Ranjit Das The 43rd Inter-House Annual Sports Competition 2023 was inaugurated at Rangpur Cadet College for 4 days. Rangpur Cadet College Principal Lt. Col. Md. Ashraful Islam, SPP, PSC, Sigs inaugurated the annual sports competition on Monday (December 11) by lighting a torch, releasing a dove as a symbol of peace and blowing balloons. Major Md. Saidul Haque, Adjutant recited the oath to the contestants at the event. Begum Principal Mrs. Sadia Arefin, Vice Principal Md. Salim Hossain, Medical Officer Major Mukit Bin Mohammad and all levels of officers and employees of the college including faculty members were present as special guests at the event. The main attraction of the opening ceremony was the mesmerizing parade of the athletes who enthralled all present. The college playground is beautifully decorated with banners and festoons. Prize distribution will be held on the final day next Thursday (December 14). Major General Sakil Ahmed, BSP, SPP, BGBM, NSWC, AFWC, PSC General Officer Commanding, 66 Infantry Division and Area Commander, Rangpur Area, Chief Guest and Dr. Shahnaz Sakil as special guests will distribute the prizes among the cadets.
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