They are successful with cooperation of Paba Upazila Youth Development Department!

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Rajshahi Correspondent

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Eati Akter

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Directorate of Youth Development is working towards making the unemployed youth self-reliant by involving them in the socio-economic development of the country. Training 18 to 35-year-old youth in residential and non-residential and short-term (mobile) trades with the aim of skill enhancement. By using their passion and motivation, the country is being accelerated by accelerating the development of the country. Employment is being done through the creation of entrepreneurs with skill enhancement training and their various production-oriented projects. Self-employment with youth loans on easy terms after training. In continuation of this, the officials and employees of Youth Development Department of Paba Upazila of Rajshahi are working tirelessly to implement the special initiatives of the government with honesty and efficiency. All of them are closely involved with the overall development activities of the government to build a developed and smart Bangladesh in the construction of Sonar Bangla. The youth are seeing the light by taking up projects under their efficient leadership, financial support and advice. Behind this, the Youth Development Department is cooperating with tireless efforts. If you don’t see it from a bird’s eye view, you won’t be able to understand it.

Upazila Executive Officer Abu Saleh Mohammad Hasnat said, “I am working as a servant of the people to deliver the government services to the doorsteps of the people as soon as possible to continue the development of the happy and prosperous Bangabandhu’s Sonar Bangla in order to build a developed and smart Bangladesh.” Every department of upazila administration is working to create employment and financially self-sufficiency of entrepreneurs through advanced training. Entrepreneurs are being trained in various trades by the government. Instead of running after a job, you have to train and become an entrepreneur. We have to cooperate to build a developed Bangladesh by providing employment for ourselves and others by accepting the project. Everyone has to work together to move the country forward. With the collective efforts of all, developing Bangladesh will become advanced and smart Bangladesh.ā€

Upazila Youth Development Officer MMN Zahurul Islam said, “The Department of Youth Development is working with the aim of creating employment and improving the socio-economic conditions of the country’s youth by making them skilled. Through the use of sustainable technology and training in various trades and financial credit support, youth entrepreneurs can create capital including garment production, poultry rearing, cattle fattening, cow rearing, fish farming, boutique houses, beauty parlour, ICT and outsourcing as well as their own and others’ fortunes. Development and employment are created. Through youth organizations, the youth are working to increase public awareness on drugs, child marriage, eviction and dowry prevention, conducting social activities, education and primary health activities, environmental development, resource conservation, natural disaster management, socio-economic development.

Selim successful entrepreneur in fishing! Salim Hossain is the son of Islam Ali of Kukhndi village of Harian Union of Paba Upazila. The young entrepreneur is a fisherman, farmer and businessman by profession. In 2022, he received a three-month training as a veterinarian in fisheries, poultry and cattle rearing from the Youth Development Department. The journey begins with raising chickens. When it started to get success, it started increasing one project after another. He is a successful entrepreneur today. These works have created employment for themselves and others. Fifty men and women are earning a living by working on his farm.

Salim Hossain said, “We started the farm and 500 chickens with a simple loan of 60,000 from youth development and our own money. I increase the amount of farm and chickens showing profit. Now there are about ten thousand layer chickens in six farms. Gets six thousand eggs every day. In addition to this, we started fish farming with pond lease. Twelve ponds are leased over about two hundred bighas. There are two cows for fattening cows. We grow various seasonal crops including guava, banana along the pond. There is also a shop where we sell poultry, livestock feed and various agricultural implements.ā€

Baby Nazmin is a successful entrepreneur in boutique handicrafts! Baby Nazmin Khatun is the daughter of Nazrul Islam of Baliadanga Mahalla of Nowhata Municipality of Paba Upazila. Since the husband does not have his own house, he lives in his father’s house after marriage. As the husband’s income was low, the family was in dire straits. Thinking of doing something besides husband’s income. That is the work. Received training in Handicraft Boutique in 2015 from Youth Development. At first he traveled with the work of others, but later he started his own boutique handicraft work. The boutique has trained fifty women workers in the area on handicrafts. They are working here making boutique products of various designs including Bed Sheets, Cushions, Covers, Loins, Fatuas, Punjabi, Two Piece, Three Piece, Saree, Veil and Nakshi Kantha. And sitting at home, women are making these products by spinning colorful yarn and needle on cloth in addition to household work. There was no looking back after getting success in the work.

Baby Nazmin said, “It was difficult to run the family with the income of the husband’s work. In 2015, after receiving training from youth development, I started boutique handicrafts with the hope of earning more in the family. First, we started making handicraft products with a few people. Build ‘Happy Boutique House’. Look at the profit of selling boutique products. My family has improved. Now I am trying to do something for the helpless unemployed women of the village. Fifty women work here. Their family is also prosperous now.ā€

Hasiba Begum, a female entrepreneur, is busy working in the chicken farm! Rabiul Islam’s wife Hasiba Begum of Dahpara village of Harian Union of Paba Upazila. Family of four including husband, son and daughter. After marriage, the husband’s family began to suffer from poverty. It is difficult to run a family on a single income. He had no cultivable land of his own. After training from youth development and starting a chicken farm, there was no turning back. Husband and wife look after the farm together.

Hasiba Begum said, “I think there is a lot of shortage in the family and I need to do something besides my husband, so I took training in poultry and cow fattening through upazila youth development. After that, I took a loan of fifty thousand taka from youth development and started raising three hundred layers of chickens. In this way we increase the amount of chicken rearing with financial loan support for youth development. There are now 750 layers of chickens and 100 ducks. Gets an average of 700 eggs per day. I bought a cow and a heifer given by my father and started rearing. Now there are ten cows including cows. Five cows have babies in their bellies. An average cow gets 10 kg of milk per day. Children are studying. Now there is a wealth of about fifteen lakhs of rupees.ā€

Nur Islam, a successful young entrepreneur in the cow farm! Noor Islam is the son of Shahjahan Ali of Bamanshikar village of Parila Union of Paba Upazila. He has a family of five including his wife and children. After marriage, he became disoriented when poverty started in the family. In 2017, in consultation with his wife and family, he received training on fisheries and cattle fattening from the Department of Youth Development.

Nur Islam said, “There is no work, I become unemployed and poverty begins in the world. After receiving training, I took a fifty thousand taka loan from youth development, bought a cow for thirty five thousand taka and started a fish business with the remaining fifteen thousand taka. That cow gives birth to a cow. Now rearing four cows and fattening two cows. Two have babies in their bellies. Two cows produce twenty liters of milk per day. Me and my wife take care of cows together. Every year during Eid, I see profit by selling cows and buying and selling fish.ā€

Youth development training and youth loan support have changed their lives. The socio-economic conditions have changed along with the creation of employment. Has been financially sound and socially established. However, many entrepreneurs claim that the amount of financial assistance is very low. Entrepreneurs are hopeful that the business will be able to work freely if the amount of financial loan cooperation with low interest is increased.

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