In Kulaura, a physically challenged person suffering from various complex diseases with his right hand almost amputated has been accused of harassing and harassing him in various ways with the help of Kulaura Thana Police. Moulvibazar Superintendent of Police, Deputy Commissioner, DIG Sylhet and other related offices have written complaints and lastly held a press conference at Moulvibazar Press Club for redressal. Shahel Khan (38), son of deceased Suruj Khan of Baramchal Union No. 1 of Kulaura Upazila, is disabled. He said – victim of revenge for giving witness against the police. Kulaura police arrested him on August 4 when he was convicted in GR 125/2012, a case (fighting case) in his absence.
After the arrest, rubber thief, tree thief, defendant in 8 cases and other criminal activities were posted on the Facebook page of the police station along with his photos. The victim complained that there is no basis for 8 cases against him including rubber theft, tree theft. The main issue is – Najma Akhtar, wife of Shaheed Ali of North Ekramnagar village, Routgaon, filed a complaint against Sylhet DIG Police Range and Superintendent of Police Moulvibazar against 4 people including SI Harunur Rashid, OC Abdus Chalek of Kulaura Police Station on 10/04/2023. The victim in the said complaint is Md. Shahel Khan, witness no. 4. Later, when the complaint was investigated by the police, he gave evidence. Infuriated by this, humiliating comments and pictures are being posted on the Facebook page of the police station and are being humiliated in front of the society. Currently, he is under treatment under specialist doctors as he is physically disabled and suffering from various complex diseases. He claims that he is not involved in any anti-state activities and that the Chairman of Local No. 1 Baramchal Union Parishad office has provided the certificate. Currently disabled Sahel Khan and his family members are suffering from insecurity. He strongly demanded that legal action should be taken after proper investigation of the incident.
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