200 years old Jahapur zamindar house of Muradnagar

News Source

Md. Khorshed Alam

Madaripur Correspondent

News Editor

Eati Akter

News Desk

Jahapur Zamidar Bari located in Muradnagar of Comilla district has survived as a witness of history even though the zamindari system has disappeared. This zamindar house was built by Gauri Mohan about 400 years before Jahapur village, but in 1862 AD, zamindar was established in this house. This family got the zamindari from Radhika Mohan Das, the zamindar of Saroji Mahal in Dhaka district through Shri Gauri Mohan Roy.
The Jahapur zamindar house with an area of ​​about 3 acres has two lion statues on either side of the entrance gate. The zamindar house has a total of 10 palaces with 9 two-storied and 3-storied main buildings. Zamindar Ashwini Kumar Roy, the grandfather of Professor Anjan Kumar Roy, the current descendant of the Jahapur zamindar house, later established a palace, Jagannath Dev’s chariot and temple. Mughal design can be seen in all the buildings of this zamindar house. A nat temple can be seen on entering the zamindar house through the main archway. Adjacent to the Nath temple is a permanent idol of Durga Devi.
Apart from this, the Jahapur zamindar house contains various daily essentials used by the zamindars such as fancy beds, designed chairs, vases, wooden furniture, umbrellas with silver handles and a variety of aesthetically crafted items.

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Md. Khorshed Alam

Madaripur Correspondent

Catagory News